logotipo Multiplace

Loja de Instrumentos e Acessórios Musicais

  • CNPJ: 14.284.106/0001-79

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Pedal de Sustain SMART SMPS01 P/ Teclado - PD1127

Pedal de Sustain SMART SMPS01 P/ Teclado - PD1127

R$ 119,90

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Pedal Tom'line Oitavador Polifônico AOS-3 Octpus - PD1176

Pedal Tom'line Oitavador Polifônico AOS-3 Octpus - PD1176

alta (4%) R$ 449,90

Ver área exclusiva PH MUSIC STORE

Pedal P/ Guitarra Tomsline Greenizer AGR-3 Overdrive - PD1004

Pedal P/ Guitarra Tomsline Greenizer AGR-3 Overdrive - PD1004

R$ 329,90

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Pedal de Loop e Afinador Rowin RE-05 Loop Pro C/ Efeitos - PD1193

Pedal de Loop e Afinador Rowin RE-05 Loop Pro C/ Efeitos - PD1193

R$ 489,90

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Pedal Behringer P/ Baixo BLE400 Bass Limiter Enhancer - PD0557

Pedal Behringer P/ Baixo BLE400 Bass Limiter Enhancer - PD0557

R$ 399,90

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Pedal Joyo Wah II Multmode Wah e Volume - PD1175

Pedal Joyo Wah II Multmode Wah e Volume - PD1175

R$ 799,90

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Pedal Sonicake QEP-01 2 em 1 Wah Volume - PD1172

Pedal Sonicake QEP-01 2 em 1 Wah Volume - PD1172

R$ 449,90

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Pedal Mooer Hustle Drive Distortion - MHDD - PD0638

Pedal Mooer Hustle Drive Distortion - MHDD - PD0638

R$ 479,90

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Pedal Mooer Yellow Comp Compressor Óptico MCS2 - PD0871

Pedal Mooer Yellow Comp Compressor Óptico MCS2 - PD0871

R$ 599,90

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Pedal Mooer Pitch Box Harmony Pitch Shifting - MPS1 - PD0806

Pedal Mooer Pitch Box Harmony Pitch Shifting - MPS1 - PD0806

R$ 479,90

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Pedal Mooer The Juicer Overdrive - Neil Zaza - ANZI - PD0866

Pedal Mooer The Juicer Overdrive - Neil Zaza - ANZI - PD0866

R$ 499,90

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Pedal Mooer Trelicopter Optical Tremolo - PD0514

Pedal Mooer Trelicopter Optical Tremolo - PD0514

R$ 699,90

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Pedal Mooer Green Mile Overdrive MMO - PD0493

Pedal Mooer Green Mile Overdrive MMO - PD0493

R$ 399,90

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Pedal Mooer P/ Guitarra Simulador de Caixa Radar MS1 - PD1108

Pedal Mooer P/ Guitarra Simulador de Caixa Radar MS1 - PD1108

R$ 1.299,90

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Pedal Mooer Mini Phaser Player WPH1 - PD1083

Pedal Mooer Mini Phaser Player WPH1 - PD1083

R$ 899,90

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Pedal Mooer Oitavador Tender Octave TOC1 - PD1079

Pedal Mooer Oitavador Tender Octave TOC1 - PD1079

R$ 1.399,90

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Pedaleira Multi-Efeitos P/ Guitarra Mooer GE100 C/ Pedal de Expressão - PD1074

Pedaleira Multi-Efeitos P/ Guitarra Mooer GE100 C/ Pedal de

R$ 1.199,90

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Pedal Mooer P/ Guitarra Spark Overdrive SOD1 - PD0952

Pedal Mooer P/ Guitarra Spark Overdrive SOD1 - PD0952

R$ 429,90

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Pedal Mooer Blue Faze Fuzz - MBFAZE - PD0943

Pedal Mooer Blue Faze Fuzz - MBFAZE - PD0943

R$ 699,90

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Pedal Power Stomp Orbit Phaser Signature Cacau Santos - PD1037

Pedal Power Stomp Orbit Phaser Signature Cacau Santos - PD1037

R$ 549,90

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